I’ve resolved to read something of substance each day — a chapter, an article, whatever — and identify one idea to “takeaway”.
Once a week I post the takeaways I’ve collected for the week.
You can subscribe and get it via email once a week; there’s a form to the right or down below, depending on what you’re using to view this.
Great Creators are Great Consumers
I don’t claim to be a great creator, but those that are share at least one common characteristic: they consume a lot of information. They read, they watch, they listen to a wide variety of topics that interest them.
Be more like the people you admire. I admire several great creators.
What will I consume? Hard to say, but it’ll be eclectic, that I can assure you.
Entrepreneurial items will probably top the list. Writing better. Time management. Marketing. Basically anything that will help me to continue to grow my business.
Personal growth will almost certainly make appearances. As will technology (though some might well get diverted to Ask Leo! related channels. We’ll see.)
Don’t be surprised if Corgis are mentioned occasionally as well.

Leo Notenboom