Grumbling Doesn’t Make Anything Better – 7 Takeaways No. 216
Dumber means better. Hello Ms. Philosophy. Squirrel! What’s penmanship? Own your choices. Attention/Distraction. Grump. Disappearing platforms.
Dumber means better. Hello Ms. Philosophy. Squirrel! What’s penmanship? Own your choices. Attention/Distraction. Grump. Disappearing platforms.
The death of books? (I hope not!) We live in incredible times. Pep talks. Complaining (maybe do it less?). Bystander intervention. Learning is taking control. The not-so-wise crowd.
Another wide range of topics this week: Facts is facts, Adulting, Over-sensitive Triggering, Complaining, Working hard, Using summer vacation wisely, and Simplifying life. And a Corgi link, too.