Everybody Used to Be Naked – 7 Takeaways No. 180
Are we doomed in mediocrity? Impermanence is permanent. Science vs. opinions. Your next chapter. Sharing your worldview. I hate networking. Naked and afraid.
Are we doomed in mediocrity? Impermanence is permanent. Science vs. opinions. Your next chapter. Sharing your worldview. I hate networking. Naked and afraid.
Following the instructions. Doing the work. The value of curation. Your memory might not be what you think. Politics is disgusting. Can you believe that photo? Optimism as a longevity hack. Reading great content.
The death of books? (I hope not!) We live in incredible times. Pep talks. Complaining (maybe do it less?). Bystander intervention. Learning is taking control. The not-so-wise crowd.
Money, Emotions, Bad News, What we care about, How everyone hates “the algorithm”, and more.
Sure, there’s other stuff, but let’s not overlook how amazing things are.