Your Audience Would Be Screaming – 7 Takeaways No. 212
Quiet contribution. Asking for help. Show up. Everyone’s faking it. Zoom out. Service. Success.
Quiet contribution. Asking for help. Show up. Everyone’s faking it. Zoom out. Service. Success.
Deliberate listening. Cynicism v. hopefulness; fight! Hard things are hard. Taking care of each other. Lessons at level 90. Neotoddlers – an appropriate new word. Read more than the headline, OK?
Warning labels. Why so serious? Is there a point? Social media as junk food. (Dis)trusting your memory. Regrets, I’ve had a few. Annoying change.
Limitations often shouldn’t. Doing bold things. Memories. Self-knowledge increases over time. Interest and debt. Intellectual obesity. The only way to change a mind.
The internet is doomed? Flexibility leads to enjoyment. Relationships matter. Your attitude matters. Your inner gremlin. Stuff happens. Looking for wisdom.
Are we doomed in mediocrity? Impermanence is permanent. Science vs. opinions. Your next chapter. Sharing your worldview. I hate networking. Naked and afraid.
Ranging from appreciating a lucky life to dealing with inevitable assholery, with stops along the way including obstacles, stereotypes, friendship, and more.
Reliability, Listening, Aging, Understanding, Self Improvement, Tools
Fascism, Normal, Short-term Bullshit, Aging, Asymmetric Life, Irrelevancy, Adjacent Possible
Aging, Critical Thinking, Fear, Societal Regression, Revenge, Curiosity, Wisdom