Everything Is a Crisis – 7 Takeaways No. 219
The opposite of curiosity. Questioning Barriers. I dunno. Simple is difficult. More curiosity. Everything’s a crisis. You should read this newsletter.
The opposite of curiosity. Questioning Barriers. I dunno. Simple is difficult. More curiosity. Everything’s a crisis. You should read this newsletter.
Local power. Creating vs. complaining. Creating & consuming. Getting out more. Focusing outward. Baby steps. Curiosity FTW.
Happy Happy. Leave me alone. Curiosity FTW. Books FTW. Being unshakeable. Serendiptiy + curiosity = inspiration. Understanding the enemy.
You’ve got skillz! Legacies, LONG after you’re gone. Being comfortable with yourself. Anger. Dutch sex. Truth seeking. Being good.
Uncomfortably numb. Supporting truth. Curation as a solution. Follow the leader. Stop thinking. Run away. Remembering the sacred.
Making the effort. What’s real? Optimism in spite of it all. Curious? Making friends. Get off the couch. Fallacies are seductive.
Paywalls, an enemy to democracy? Relax. Laughter in relationships. Be an adult, OK? Having faith. Listening makes you interesting. Curiosity makes for a rich life.
Becoming a better communicator. A radical thought regarding who should vote. Overwork. Over protectiveness vs. Over permissiveness. Navigating the political divide. Life is now. The silence of the girls.
Aging, Critical Thinking, Fear, Societal Regression, Revenge, Curiosity, Wisdom
Persuasion, Curiosity, Tools, News, Attention, Election, Magic