Looking at the world through your lens.

Find Your ‘Lenses’ – 7 Takeaways for May 9, 2021

1. “Everyone is flawed.” On This Day in History Sh!t Went Down – James Fell – (ebook) Cancel culture bothers me. Not that some shouldn’t be “canceled”, but so often it boils down to throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Fell may have articulated the closest explanation so far, in the introduction to his book. Everyone is flawed. Some aren’t just flawed, they’re evil. We should not praise people as heroes, because we will always find reason to be disappointed, crushed, or aghast. However, we can praise heroic acts. Admire the deeds you deem worthy rather than the person … Read more

Food Fight!

A Never-ending Food Fight – 7 Takeaways for May 2, 2021

For those so inclined, I find myself sharing more of what I’m up to on Twitter these days. @leonot is my personal account where I’m getting wordier. 1. “…the result is a never-ending food fight.” Why Everyone on the Internet Is Wrong – Mark Manson – (MindF*ck Monday newsletter) Mark has a way with words. And a way with thought. Today’s newsletter is a look at three predictable failures in logic that the internet exacerbates in everyone. The result: the maddening perception that everyone is wrong, all the damn time The big three are “Absence of evidence is evidence of … Read more

Telegraph Office

The Mother of all Networks – 7 Takeaways for April 25, 2021

Bonus? Don’t know if I’d call it that, but I was published last week in the What It’s Like To online publication. My (short) story, What It’s Like To Donate Platelets, is up on Medium.com. There are several other stories there you might find interesting as well. 1. “Gargling with bleach?” Did 4% of Americans Really Drink Bleach Last Year? – Rachel Ernstoff – (Harvard Business Review) I found this fascinating — not because of the subject matter (covid, bleach, etc.) — but rather because of the way that (mis)information came to be, and then spread. There are multiple issues … Read more

Scam Alert!

Words are weird – 7 Takeaways for April 18, 2021

Two shots in! Whoo-hoo! (Side effects, if any, will probably kick in about the time this is scheduled to publish. Thank you, automation!) Hope you had a great week. 1. “They will say whatever they need to say to get as much money out of you as possible.” Inside an International Tech-Support Scam – Doug Shadel and Neil Wertheimer – (AARP Bulletin) The depth, frequency, and success rate of these scams are downright frightening. The lengths scammers will go to extracting as much money as possible from their victims may make you lose faith in humanity. As you might imagine … Read more


Go Take a Risk – 7 Takeaways for April 11, 2021

For the curious, last week’s test / move went smoothly. 7takeaways.com is on a new speedier server. And yes, these are the things I geek out over. Well, that and the bonus takeaway, down below. Hope you’re having a good week. 1. “hydrostatic stress test” Finding the Best and Worst in Ourselves – Mark Manson (Mindf*ck Monday newsletter) That’s a pressure test generally applied in various engineering realms. Manson points out that the concept applies to what we’ve all been experiencing during the pandemic. There’s much truth to his interpretation. He also claims that “the new normal” everyone is talking … Read more

Everyone is a writer – 7 Takeaways for April 4, 2021

“I know engineers, they love to change things.” (Dr. Leonard McCoy – Star Trek: The Motion Picture) If you’re seeing this it’s because all the things this engineer changed, worked. It’s no secret that I enjoy playing with technology. For no other reason than that, I moved 7takeaways.com to a new webserver. The old was the virtual server that hosts askleo.com among several other websites. The new is a server provided by Amazon Web Services, aka “AWS”. I talked about AWS at length in a recent podcast episode, but the hidden reality is that many, many websites and other online … Read more


Build a Skill – 7 Takeaways for March 28, 2021

1. “I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hate so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.” James Baldwin – Quoted in Mark Manson’s Mindf*ck Monday – (email newsletter) Not much to comment here, other than to remind that one of my criteria for takeaways is “things that give me pause”. This one did that and audibly go “huh”, it felt so true. Do this: what do you hate? Is there pain behind it? 2. “…if you start acting like you are creative, your body and mind … Read more


The Practice is the Output – 7 Takeaways for March 21, 2021

(Whoops. Tagline didn’t make it to the email. Or did I catch in time? Oh well. No matter. More practice needed. ) 1. “Stimulus eventually causes inflation” Your Stimulus Check Is Creating Wealth Inequality – Tim Denning – (Medium) I have to admit, the stimulus portion of the economic recovery plan(s) being implemented throughout the world concerns me. As Denning points out, they’re simply printing more money. While that has some short-term positive benefits, the piper will have to be paid at some point. Exactly what that looks like (inflation), as well as when is pretty fuzzy. I’ve read also … Read more


Retaining the Curiosity of Childhood into Adulthood – 7 Takeaways for March 14, 2021

1. “…retained the curiosity of childhood into adulthood.” Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Life Advice Will Leave You SPEECHLESS – One of the Most Eye Opening Interviews – Neil deGrasse Tyson – (YouTube) The title does not overpromise. This is one of the most inspirational videos I’ve seen in a long, long time. School should as a minimum preserve that curiosity for you. If you lost some of it, coz it’s not going to be in all of us, put it back in. So that when you graduate school, you can give literal meaning to the word commencement. Commencement means beginning; it … Read more

The Truth Needs to be Free – 7 Takeaways for March 7, 2021

1. “The truth needs to be free and universal.” The Truth Is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free – Nathan J. Robinson – (Current Affairs magazine/website) This was an incredibly valuable perspective on how news and information are distributed. How content creators get compensated is anything but fair, and quite literally at odds with truly free and open information. His alternative — all information is free to anyone, and creators are paid not by sales, but by consumption, the money coming from taxes or other objective (i.e. unbiased) sources — is idealistic, to be sure. More pragmatically, transitioning from where … Read more