No One Uses the Pennies We Mint – 7 Takeaways No. 196
Having an opinion. Moral decline, not. Men & women. Do you even need a purpose? Own the place. The silly penny. Jack of all trades.
Having an opinion. Moral decline, not. Men & women. Do you even need a purpose? Own the place. The silly penny. Jack of all trades.
Deliberate listening. Cynicism v. hopefulness; fight! Hard things are hard. Taking care of each other. Lessons at level 90. Neotoddlers – an appropriate new word. Read more than the headline, OK?
Use your phone to read. Possible piles of poop. Fiction matters. Learning from failure. Making life choices. Critical reading skills. Boring.
Mud-colored glasses. Playing in the street. Connections are complicated (and important). Telling yourself stories. Dare to see stupid. Does reading matter? (YES!) Taking risks.
Confidence means little. We’re all just making it up as we go. New technology is scary. Depression is scary. Being wrong is scary. Phone calls are scary. Personal change is scary.
Rocking chair time? Politics will get worse before it gets better. Special ideas often aren’t. Even when not lies, statistics often mislead. The irrationality of crowds. Go ahead, look the fool. Read.
You’ve got skillz! Legacies, LONG after you’re gone. Being comfortable with yourself. Anger. Dutch sex. Truth seeking. Being good.
Uncomfortably numb. Supporting truth. Curation as a solution. Follow the leader. Stop thinking. Run away. Remembering the sacred.
We don’t know how AI works. Rationality? Nah. I’m bored. Simple explanations. You’ll ignore my advice. We’re right, they’re wrong. How you say it matters.
Don’t be a dick. Placebo vs. Nocebo. Declining friendship, and more. Embrace the stupid. Moo. Unfortunate acceptance of war. Increasing your idea surface area.