They Don’t Actually Know Anything – 7 Takeaways No. 175
There’s no right way to parent. Why so serious? Perhaps bad habits serve a purpose. New tech? We’ve been here before. Being a grownup. AI is dumb. Misinformed about misinformation.
There’s no right way to parent. Why so serious? Perhaps bad habits serve a purpose. New tech? We’ve been here before. Being a grownup. AI is dumb. Misinformed about misinformation.
Understanding loneliness. Is it really luck? The power of just listening. Keeping your faith in humanity. Unnecessary constraints. Offense as a means to control. Whatever it is, learn from it.
Twisting your words. The importance of purpose. What your kids really need to learn. The power of consistency. We only share a slice of our lives. Jobs under threat, and being created. Trusting your gut. The importance of understanding what others believe.
The power of “I don’t know”. Listening better. Choosing anger (or not). Prevention as the cure. Appreciating your already good life. Being a better wait-er. A possible explanation for time seeming like a blur of late.
We’re all more comfortable in our bubble. Scandal trumps boring old truth. Some things that don’t work. More AI impact. Suffering fools. Tabloids & royal conspiracies. Sharing wisdom.
Following the instructions. Doing the work. The value of curation. Your memory might not be what you think. Politics is disgusting. Can you believe that photo? Optimism as a longevity hack. Reading great content.
The death of books? (I hope not!) We live in incredible times. Pep talks. Complaining (maybe do it less?). Bystander intervention. Learning is taking control. The not-so-wise crowd.
Becoming a better communicator. A radical thought regarding who should vote. Overwork. Over protectiveness vs. Over permissiveness. Navigating the political divide. Life is now. The silence of the girls.
Another wide range of topics this week: Facts is facts, Adulting, Over-sensitive Triggering, Complaining, Working hard, Using summer vacation wisely, and Simplifying life. And a Corgi link, too.
Ranging from appreciating a lucky life to dealing with inevitable assholery, with stops along the way including obstacles, stereotypes, friendship, and more.