Consuming What Everyone Else Is Consuming – 7 Takeaways No. 208
Contagious positivity. Be thankful, about more. Writing as therapy. Talking to your “textbook”. Gratitude leads to optimism. Consume outside your bubble. Everyone’s watching.
Contagious positivity. Be thankful, about more. Writing as therapy. Talking to your “textbook”. Gratitude leads to optimism. Consume outside your bubble. Everyone’s watching.
Deliberate listening. Cynicism v. hopefulness; fight! Hard things are hard. Taking care of each other. Lessons at level 90. Neotoddlers – an appropriate new word. Read more than the headline, OK?
Humility, Technology, Hope, Retirement, Self-care, Thinking, Extraordinary
Hope, Choice, Risk, Distraction, Rituals, Cancel Culture, Savoring
Truth, Hope, Social Media, AI, Luck, Pain, Persistence, Opinions
Aging, Money, Failure, Learning, Hope, Insecurity, Offense